Compliance & Regulatory
Compliance & Regulatory
Our attorneys pride themselves on distilling complicated regulatory requirements into straight-forward advice for businesses.
Our attorneys have assisted businesses of all sizes with compliance with laws and regulations, design and implementation of compliance programs, drafting of policies and procedures, designing and delivering training and more.
Gravis attorneys pride themselves on distilling complicated regulatory requirements into straight-forward advice for businesses. Our attorneys have assisted businesses of all sizes with compliance with laws and regulations, design and implementation of compliance programs, drafting of policies and procedures, designing and delivering training and more. Areas of particular focus include:
- Data Privacy and Data Security (GDPR and US State Regulations)
- Anti-money laundering and Sanctions (OFAC)
- Washington Cannabis and Liquor Board regulations
- Cryptocurrency and blockchain
- Government Contracting
- HealthCare Compliance
- Export Compliance
- Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)
Representative Matters
- Advised multiple crypto currency companies on CFTC, FinCEN, OFAC, and money transmitter regulations, developed policies and procedures to support compliance.
- Provided state-by-state analysis of auction laws for on-line auction company.
- Advised UK-based retailer on the establishment of a Foreign Trade Zone in order to minimize customs duties and shorten click-to-ship times for US customers.
- Advised foreign crypto currency on applicability of US law to operations.
- Advised several internet-based startups on applicability of GDPR and other data privacy regulations, designed compliance programs to meet requirements.
- Advised government contractor on applicability of US export controls; assisted in classifying commonly exported items.